The Data Curation Profiles Directory, a resource for Library and Information Science professionals, Archivists, IT professionals, Data Managers, and others who want information about the specific data generated and used in research areas and sub-disciplines that may be published, shared, and preserved for re-use, has gone live. Please see the message below from Jake Carlson, associate professor of library science at Purdue University.
“We are pleased to announce the Data Curation Profiles Directory. Working with the Purdue University e-Pubs repository, the Data Curation Profiles Directory provides a suite of services to support the publication of data curation profiles, including assigning a DOI for each published DCP, improved visibility for profiles through inclusion in indexing and discovery tools, and a commitment to the preservation of DCPs through CLOCKSS and Portico.
Information on publishing your data curation profile can be found on the new ‘Guidelines for Authors’ page.
We see the Data Curation Profiles Directory as a significant advancement in supporting the publication of data curation profiles. Plese send us your feedback (and your completed Profiles)!”